Q: Who do I work with?  

A: My clients are often women who’ve done therapy before and are ready for the next step. They’re spiritual, driven, and deeply invested in doing life—and relationships—well. Sound like you?

You’ve done affirmations, you’ve been to therapy, you meditate, you pray, you’ve journaled and it all helps. But you still feel worried, stuck, unhappy or just meh.

Q: What is Hypnosis? 

A: It can be a lot of things. When I talk about hypnosis I’m specifically referring to working directly with your unconscious, subconscious or superconscious mind - basically the parts of your mind that are outside your conscious awareness. Everyone goes in and out of hypnosis every day, anytime you are operating outside of your conscious awareness you are in a state of hypnosis. I help you utilize those normal states to create change.

Q: How long does it take?  

A:  One on one sessions last between 1 and 2 hours.  Plan to block off some time after your session to rest, recharge and reflect - so you don’t feel rushed.

Q: What does hypnosis feel like?

A: It’s different for every person.   Some people will feel a drifting, floating sensation, others will not.  Some feel sleepy, some do not. Some people feel relaxed and other feel like their everyday selves. What’s most important is to know that how you feel isn’t an indicator of how effective it is.  

Q: Can I get “stuck” in hypnosis?

A: No, that’s an old wives tale. You are in complete control the entire time. You can talk, move your body, get a tissue, even get up and leave (to use the bathroom most likely). If the session gets interrupted you may drift off to sleep but soon you’ll realize you haven’t heard my voice and open your eyes.  

Q:  How does it work?

A:  Even science can’t agree exactly how it works, and that’s likely because there are so many different schools of hypnosis. In my sessions hypnosis can be either conversational or use your imagination. No matter how we get there once you are in a state of inner awareness you have the power to change. It’s very easy and anyone can experience it.

Q:  What if I don’t “go deep” enough?

A:  Don’t worry about how deep you go. I want you to forget all about that. It’s really not important. The depth of trance/hypnosis is not linked to results at all. So don’t get stuck on “am I deep enough”, or “is this working”. Just tell yourself the truth – “this is working” and it will absolutely work.

Q: What if I think I already know the reasons behind my issue?

A: You likely have lots of theories about how and why your issue started, I’m sure you have spent plenty of time thinking about it. But drawing conclusion and thinking about your problem aren’t the same as solving your problem. You wouldn’t need help if you could think your way to a solution. I recommend you hold your hypothesis loosely, often clients are shocked by what actually creates change. Sometimes people change and never know the reason they had the issue in the first place.

Q:   What if I go back to experiences or times in my life that are painful or scary?

A: If your mind takes you back to scene from your life that are related to things like sexual or physical abuse, or other trauma, it’s important to remember that you are not reliving that scene, you are simply reviewing it and you are safe. I will support you and create a safe space for you to express your emotions and heal. (Also remember that it is much healthier for you to bring traumatic scenes like this into your conscious awareness than for them to stay stuck in your subconscious where you don't realize it; that's what causes all the problems in the first place!)

Q:   When will I start to see change?  

A: There are 3 types of change with subconscious beliefs -

Immediate change: You feel a massive shift right away – immediate change in your physiology, thoughts and behaviors right in the session.  

Incremental change:  You see consistent shifts every day, or over time

Retroactive:  You don’t see the shifts right away and then one day you suddenly look back and see all of the things that are different in your life.   

Each person is unique and responds differently. (You may experience a combination of these various kinds of results. All are extremely beneficial, and what they have in common is that you think about life in a way that allows you to be more positive, productive, and powerful.)  

Q:  What if I need or want another session?

A:  My work is designed to create powerful insights and lasting change, often in just one session. While some clients feel complete after one session, others may choose additional support to deepen the transformation or explore different areas. Practicing Peace sessions can be booked on an as-needed basis, and I also offer packages of HeartHealing™️ sessions for those seeking a more in-depth, ongoing transformation.

Q: Do you work with children?

A:  In short, no. Here’s why: children often shift when their parents do. You could be the most incredible parent, but if you’re carrying an ongoing emotional pattern related to your child’s behavior, that can still affect them. The focus is on the parents first—when you experience change, you’ll often see that shift reflected in your child as well.