
About Christy

In the middle of 2012 I left my corporate job to stay home with my two young sons. Soon after I became very sick, I didn’t realize at the time that I had spent the previous 20+ years working myself into a state of long term, untreated, burn out. What should have been an incredible time spent nurturing my young family was filled with unanswered questions and fear. When doctors were unable to help me I became determined to heal myself.

After a deep dive which involved following many rabbit trails into the world of whole food, nutrition and functional medicine I became aware that my mental health was at the root of what was keeping me stuck and that lots of things buried in my past needed tending to.

Using the same determination that made me a success in the corporate world  I set off to understand how I could recover my mental and emotional well-being and heal my body in the process.  This journey has led me to discover the incredible healing power of the mind and body. I quickly became an avid meditator, devoured books on the neuroscience behind the plastic mind, and was delighted to find more joy and happiness then I thought would ever be available to me.   

As I experimented with different modalities that tapped into the mind-body-connection, and how our minds store traumas (both big and small), I found tools that gave me incremental improvements.  I’ve used EFT (emotional freedom technique/tapping), EMDR (Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing), daily gratitude, the laws of quantum mechanics as related to emotional frequency, and the list goes on.   It wasn’t until I discovered hypnosis and the work of Marisa Peer's RTT (Rapid Transformational Therapy) and had a session with one of her incredible therapists that I FINALLY found what I had been looking for: an extremely QUICK and EFFECTIVE way to release the emotional baggage I was carrying around.  Working with the subconscious mind is the most incredible health and wellness hack I’ve come across and in my opinion it is THE KEY to creating the life we were always destined for. 

Every baby comes onto this planet expecting to be loved without condition and having complete confidence in themselves.  It is the meaning we take from all variety of life events that can and do erode the unique miracle we were created to be. Working with the past in hypnosis is a quick and effective process to discover unconscious programing and release limiting beliefs so you can move toward your ideal life.

I have been fortunate to train directly with many incredible teachers. In 2017 I became a certified hypnotherapist and Rapid Transformational Therapist through my teacher and mentor Marisa Peer.  I had the privilege of learning from her live in Los Angeles in her first ever Rapid Transformation Therapist training in the United States.  From 2018 - 2021 I was a graduate trainer within the Marisa Peer organization, training new students at live training in the US and Canada as well as training international students throughout the global pandemic.  

From 2019 to 2020 I trained under Cedric Bertelli to complete my certification in Emotional Resolution, a somatic experiencing process that allows change on the mind and body level. This is the work that has most deeply impact my kowledge of how humans are designed to feel their feelings in a healthy way.   

From 2020 - present I train under Natasha Bray. I have complete her level 1 HeartHealing practitioner certification and will certified in level 2 HeartHealing in early 2022.